Friday, September 19, 2008

Are you a lumper or a splitter?

I"m a lumper!
Tell me a few stories and I'll get excited by the linkages and the similarities. It's amazing how different disciplines give different names to the same phenomena. Geographers for example talk about liminality, whilst psychologists talk about anomie - both describe a sense of normlessness which can either result in a feeling of being lost or of being free of the normal constraints of everyday life. I'm amazed how often I hear different terms for very similar ideas related to the experience of being human.

Splitters on the other had always see the differences between theories and are anxious to point out the differences. From where I stand splitters can be really annoying. From where they stand, lumpers probably are! This is important because I reckon it helps to realise what is going on when the annoyance begins to arise, and to find ways to make use of the different skills involved in both activities.

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