Sunday, February 1, 2009

lots to be happy about

Its been a while since I wrote here. What can I say? it's summer here and I've been on holidays. I"m just back from a couple of days at a retreat in Mid Canterbury and I'm feeling very relaxed and, well happy - despite all the bad news around the place!

A new blog talks about this a bit. It's one of the thing that constantly delights and amazes me that there is so much pleasure in working in the garden, reading a book, doing chores around the house, going for a wander or visiting friends. It's all a matter of having the time and I wonder sometimes what all our working working working is for when it just seems make us so time poor and to try to squeeze so much into so little time. I"ve had a month on holiday now and I"m just starting to feel like I"m getting down to a reasonable pace and starting to enjoy those small things that get lost in the rush.

roll on the next month!

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