Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Relevance and irrelevance

I was in a meeting the other night with a community group to whom we had come to deliver some research results. From where I stood it was frustrating, so it has been occupying my thoughts recently.

Relevance is a funny thing. From my own experience as a receiver of information, one wee statement can suddenly make a whole lot of information suddenly much more personally relevant than it was a few seconds before.

As a giver of information, working out how to frame what I"m saying so that if is relevant is a matter of listening really carefully to the people I am are talking with. I guess part of my frustration the other night, was that I was finding it incredibly difficult to understand where they were in the conversation. Perhaps also my team and I were so bound up in the idea of delivering the research results we had prepared that we couldn't easily listen in a connected way to our audience?

More later.


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